Sunday, January 25, 2009

We Interrupt The Blog To Bring You A Brief Announcement:


Yep, as of a PET scan on Wednesday the 21st, the doctor says that I'm "officially in remission." I'll still be going through radiation as a precaution, but the signs are encouraging and the news is pretty good.

Yesterday, the 24th, I turned 41. Not a bad present, if I do say so myself.


Anonymous said...

Woo woo!!

Fantabulous news! And a very happy birthday to you. When did we get 10 years older all of a sudden??

Emma xx

Anonymous said...

It doesn't get any cooler than that!!!
You know I can not tell you how happy I am. I have been doing the happy dance ever since you told me.
Ya gotta love it!!!!!!!!!!!

Epona's Chosen said...


Happy Birthday. Now, next time you have a bit of a wheeze....

... go sit in the ER, and refuse to leave til they check you over completely!

We love you Sue.

Mindy and Cody

Anonymous said...

congratulations Sue. That is an awesome birthday present

Anonymous said...

Sue, You rode the wild horse and won. May your remission last forever. Live long and prosper. If humor can give hope, you've nailed it. Many more Happy Birthdays from now on.
PS Congrats on your winning story in theVerb! Your signature humor shines through. A delight to read. Warmest regards, E. James